Bloggin' Bubba

I'm a big hairy cat with a teeny tiny mew! A couple of years ago my favorite bud, Gus, died. He was just a kid yet, but the doctor misdiagnosed his problem. I felt BAD. Then my people kept bringing NEW cats into the house. I didn't like any of them! I still don't - except for - just maybe - that little calico that keeps bugging me. They'd better keep their paws off MY keyboard too!

Monday, May 05, 2003

Monday Madness

1. When your telephone rings, do you drop everything to answer it?
no, my daddi usually answers it!

2. What is the longest you've ever talked on the telephone? To whom?
I ain't never really talked on it much but afore my fambly used ta call up 'n talk on the machine 'n i cud heer ut! They ain't doin' that no more though.

3. Do you own a cell phone? If not; why? If so, what was your reason for buying a cell phone; and would you ever consider cancelling your 'landline' service? Explain......
meow? meow? You'd better ask my mommi that there one!


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