Bloggin' Bubba

I'm a big hairy cat with a teeny tiny mew! A couple of years ago my favorite bud, Gus, died. He was just a kid yet, but the doctor misdiagnosed his problem. I felt BAD. Then my people kept bringing NEW cats into the house. I didn't like any of them! I still don't - except for - just maybe - that little calico that keeps bugging me. They'd better keep their paws off MY keyboard too!

Monday, April 28, 2003

Monday Madness

1. Do you like to cook? Why or why not?
No, cuz i don't have opposeable thumbs.

2. What is your favorite recipe? Is it one you use on a regular basis? (Feel free to share the recipe with us!)
My daddi mixes it up fer us cats! He uses equal parts Friskies Special Diet (fer ar urinary track health), Friskies Ocean fish flavor, and Friskies Dental Diet. then he adds a little bit uv stuff fer hairballs - from a defernt brandname. It shur does taste good and now they's brung in sum grass from outdoors fer us ta munch on fer salad. That's perty good too. Uv coarse my mommi and daddi don't use no stuff ta make the grass perty er to kill stuff with so's the grass's really gud fer us!

3. If you owned a restaurant, what would the theme be? What would your restaurant be called?
I'd have lotsa scratchin' posts and high places to cliimb up on and i'd prob'ly call it the Cat House... er maybe the Catnip Palace..... meow!

Monday, April 21, 2003

Monday Madness Week Four!

1. What three adjectives would you use to describe your best friend?
lovey, cuddly, big! My best friend is my mommi...

2. Please fill in the blank (and feel free to elaborate!).... "When I dance, I look like ________________."

3. What is the longest word that you can think of? Define it.
Meow!... you silly person! Do you REALLY think cats can talk?

This week I am posting a bonus question in honor of Easter.
4. What is your favorite flavor of jellybeans? What is your least favorite flavor
Jellybeans!!!!!? I don't even like CATNIP!!!

Monday, April 14, 2003

Monday Madness This'un ain't no dumb test... this'un's cooooool!

1. Which one pet that you've owned in your life was/is your favorite? Why?
AmyLou Mae Jo Bob! My mommi let that awful EllieMae move in with us, but her kid picked me to be her favorite 'person' and won't never be leavin' me alone, so i jist gotta give her 'tenshun when she's askin' fer it. When she wants luvvies she comes ta me insted of the people in the house... so's i gots ta sooth her by lickin' her head and stuff like that.

2. What one thing have you always wanted to try, but have been too afraid to? Do you still want to try it?
They took me outdoors once but it wuz scarey bein' out in all that air without no walls nowhere! I'm too scared ta do it agin so i hide if'n i think they're gunna take me out there.

3. If you could invent something, what would you invent? Give it a name...
maybe a mouse-stopper! I'd call it a 'mouse-stopper' cuz it wood stop the mouse so's i could ketch it instead of it gettin' away so's one of them ugly gerls ends up ketchin' 'em! Bubba...meow!

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

I'm too cooooooool ta be takin' eny of them goofy tests, but Goober ain't. He took the food monkey test an' it's down at the bottom here.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Here's my Monday Madness

1. If you could bring someone famous back from the grave, who would you choose? Why?
Garfield! - well, he ain't dead but he ain't 'live either. He's a cartoon. I'd like to bring him to life. We could be buddies.

2. What have you tried in life, and simply were not good at?
I tried to get EllieMae JoBob to go back where she came from but my mommi won't let her outside. Actually she doesn't want to go outside any more anyway, but i will keep trying to get rid of her! Grrrrrrr! (Ellie is AmyLou Mae's mommi and she came here with 3 brand new kittens a couple a years ago. My mommi did give away 2 of the critters ta sum peeple that comes over a lot.)

3. Approximately how many times a day do you look at the clock? Where are you when you look at the clock the most?
Whut's a clock? Bubba... meow!

Friday, April 04, 2003

Yippeeeeeeeeee! Christine likes me!..... I got myself accepted in her really coo-oo-ool webring called Blogs and Pets. Ain't I special? Now I really gots ta keep my bloggin' up, huh? Bubba... the cool cat

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

This here is a real live story 'bout a real live critter named Buster... and a hero in that there war goin' on in the giant kitty litter box... my mommi says it's irack or somethin' like that. Anyhow... it's about a dawg (eeeeeew!) but i s'pose a cat coulda done it better! Bubba... meow!
I gots ta do this even if i'm late. These here is ansers ta Monday Madness... (I'm a purrsonal frend a OttO - the guy who writ 'em! meow!

1. If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
Me, of course!

2. What three food items would combine to make the most disgusting concoction ever?
Did ya say food? Where?

3. What is your favorite time of the day and why?
Mornin', noon an' nite 'cause that's when i'm gettin' some z's!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

I duhsided that...since i'm a bloggin' pet i shood awta join up in sumpthun called blogs & pets! Whadda ya think, AmyLou Mae Jo Bob? We got us a counter too... but it looks differnt then the one that Ellie Mae and Daisy Mae both likes ta sit up on when they watches are mommi cookin the people food! Bubba.....meow... i'm a kooooool cat naow!