1. Do you like to cook? Why or why not?
No, cuz i don't have opposeable thumbs.
2. What is your favorite recipe? Is it one you use on a regular basis? (Feel free to share the recipe with us!)
My daddi mixes it up fer us cats! He uses equal parts Friskies Special Diet (fer ar urinary track health), Friskies Ocean fish flavor, and Friskies Dental Diet. then he adds a little bit uv stuff fer hairballs - from a defernt brandname. It shur does taste good and now they's brung in sum grass from outdoors fer us ta munch on fer salad. That's perty good too. Uv coarse my mommi and daddi don't use no stuff ta make the grass perty er to kill stuff with so's the grass's really gud fer us!
3. If you owned a restaurant, what would the theme be? What would your restaurant be called?
I'd have lotsa scratchin' posts and high places to cliimb up on and i'd prob'ly call it the Cat House... er maybe the Catnip Palace..... meow!